Women Business Enterprise Certified

A proficient weephole drilling company should be knowledgeable in Precast Hollowcore Planks, erection of planks and sequencing. They should be able to identify issues with slabs and know the proper location and correct staging of drilling weepholes.
Michael Brunt has worked in the precast industry for over 20 years, as a Field Operations Manager, Precast Erector, Trainer, and holds a PCI Certification as a Field Auditor.
BRUNTCO is Florida's leader in Weephole Drilling Precast Planks, with custom rigs which function at an accelerated pace, without sacrificing accuracy or safety.
We can alleviate your water intrusion issues in less time, making BRUNTCO the quickest option to drill weepholes. We have the ability to drill up 100,000 sq. ft. in a day with only a few men on site. Our streamlined approach to weep hole drilling provides our customers with substantial savings.
Water intrusion is a silent threat to your building and can be detrimental to total cost, schedule, and the quality of your building. It is estimated that 80-90% of all construction litigation is due to moisture issues.
Water intrusion claims are the most expensive type of insurance claim and damages are often far more extensive than they first appear.
It only takes one point of weakness to impact the viability of an entire structure.
Water relief is one of the MOST important functions that a contractor can address. The consequences of water infiltration are far reaching, and your risk is amplified when water builds up in hollow core planks.